There are two important reasons for abstaining from hair transplant or other surgical procedures in HIV-positive patients:

    1. HIV positive is a immune system disease and surgical operations can endanger the life of the patient because they carry the risk of infection.
    2. HIV-positive virus is transmitted through blood, surgical operation on HIV-positive individuals creates a risk of transmission for healthcare teams.

    Thanks to the latest techniques used in hair transplant, the fact that the risk of infection has been reduced gradually is the most important first criterion that makes hair transplant possible in HIV-positive patients. If the surgical procedure is carefully followed for HIV-positive people, the risk of transmission of the virus for healthcare professionals is significantly reduced.

    In microsurgical applications such as hair transplant, the risk of infection is low. Moreover, whether HIV-positive or not, infection after hair transplant is not a situation we would like to happen to any patient, since it means losing the transplanted hair first of all, and success in HIV-positive hair transplant is shaped accordingly.

    A hair transplant procedure that minimizes the risk of infection should be followed carefully in hair transplant operations specific to HIV-positive people. The clinical setting should be at a slightly higher level of hygiene than standard hygiene conditions.

    Is Hair Transplant Performed for HIV Positive Patients?

    In Turkey, the number one address in the world for hair transplant, hair transplant for HIV-positive patients is performed safely in high-quality clinical environments and extremely successful hair transplant results are obtained.

    When it comes to health, aesthetic concerns were postponed to the second or even third place, so hair transplant for HIV-positive patients was not something that was welcomed because of the priority of the patient’s health status. The general principle of performing surgery on HIV-positive patients only in cases of emergency and necessity has been applied for years, and it has its merits. But today, we can say that this situation has changed.

    Thanks to the progress of HIV-positive treatments and the very low risk of infection in hair transplant, hair loss in HIV-positive patients can be permanently treated with hair transplant.

    • HIV-positive patients whose immune system is suitable for hair transplant can have hair transplant.
    • For HIV-positive patients, the immune system can be strengthened before the operation as part of preparation for the operation.
    • HIV-positive patients with sufficient hair follicles in the donor area can achieve the hair they dream of with hair transplant.
    • Working with a clinic experienced in HIV positive hair transplant is important both for the health of the patient and for the result of hair transplant.

    HIV Positive Hair Transplant Stages in Estecapelli

    Experience of the clinic in hair transplant significantly determines the success and comfort of operation. Therefore, it is important to work in a clinic experienced in HIV positive hair transplant.

    Hair transplant is an aesthetic treatment process that should be carried out with care for everyone, where success is hidden in the details, and which requires meticulousness at every stage. We can say that the care we expect to be shown in hair transplant for HIV-positive patients becomes more important and sensitivities become more prominent.

    As Estecapelli, we consider this to be a positive contribution. Thus, it becomes easier for us to achieve perfect results in hair transplant for HIV-positive patients.

    So, how does the hair transplant process for HIV-positive individuals proceed? Hair transplant is carried out in three basic stages for HIV-positive patients, as for everyone.

    HIV Positive Before Hair Transplant

    The two most frequently asked questions naturally before hair transplant:

    1. I am HIV positive, can I have a hair transplant?
    2. I am HIV positive. Am I a good candidate for hair transplant?

    If their immune systems are strong enough, there is no obstacle for HIV-positive patients to have hair transplant.

    If the donor area is sufficient for hair transplant, the state of the immune system before the operation is consulted with the doctor following the HIV treatment. If necessary, applying a treatment to strengthen the immune system as part of preparation for surgery is among the alternatives.

    If the patient’s health condition is suitable for the operation and there are sufficient hair follicles on the donor area, the pre-hair transplant procedures are completed and the next step is taken.

    Hair Transplant Operation

    After deciding that you are a suitable candidate for hair transplant, the process continues with a detailed hair transplant examination and hair transplant planning.

    At this point, the recipient area and the graft reserve on the donor area should be evaluated in the best way. In order to achieve the best possible result, after a detailed hair transplant planning is done, the hair transplant operation is performed by following the steps below:

    • Determination of hair transplant method
    • Drawing the hairline
    • Anesthesia
    • Extraction of grafts
    • Opening channels
    • Implanting hair follicles one by one into the opened channels

    Hair transplant operations take 8-10 hours on average. It may also take a little longer and a little shorter. No pain is felt, but it is worth mentioning that the long operation time is sometimes tiring. Considering this information when choosing a clinic may be important for your comfort.

    HIV Positive After Hair Transplant

    You will be informed in detail by the clinic about what to do after hair transplant surgery. Obeying these warnings to the letter is especially important in HIV-positive patients.

    Especially the first few days are the most difficult and risky days in hair transplant. When the necessary care is taken during this period, both the healing takes place without any problems and the transplanted hair follicles keep a high rate.

    Wound care is performed 1-2 days after the hair transplant operation and the hair follicles are examined. Usually this is the final stage of the surgery of the hair transplant. After that, it continues in the form of healing, crusting and shock loss processes.

    To state the important points that HIV-positive patients should pay attention to after hair transplant:

    •  Protect your head from sun, dust, impact and friction, and contact with water.
    • Sleep at a 45 degree angle as shown to you.
    • Wearing clothes with buttons or zippers after the operation prevents you from damaging the hair follicles while dressing and undressing.
    • Contact your clinic in case of any pain, itching or numbness.
    • Absolutely avoid alcohol and cigarettes.
    • Do not engage in any activity that will cause you to exert physical effort for the first few days.

    The recovery period differs for each patient. The recovery period in hair transplant for HIV-positive patients may progress slowly from time to time. In such a case, it is useful to get support from your doctor. It will be much easier after crusting period.

    Hair Transplant Techniques for HIV Positive Patients

    All of the existing hair transplant methods are suitable for HIV-positive patients. FUE hair transplant technique and Sapphire FUE, which is made with a sapphire tip or DHI which are advanced versions of FUE technique, are hair transplant methods that are used safely fin HIV positive hair transplant.

    FUE Hair Transplant for HIV Positive Patients

    The FUE technique, which is based on the principle that hair follicles are taken one by one from the donor area at the back of the head and transplanted one by one into the channels opened to the recipient area, is the basic technique in hair transplant.

    We can say that we owe natural results and denser hair transplant to the Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) technique. Because FUE gives a chance to intervene on each hair follicle. Thus, we can implant the hair follicle in accordance with the growth direction of the hair and we can transplant hair densely to achieve the most natural hair transplant results.

    We can list the advantages and disadvantages of the FUE hair transplant technique in HIV-positive care, which is successfully applied to HIV-positive patients:

    • FUE hair transplant prices are lower than other hair transplant techniques.
    • In the FUE technique, the incisions are wider than in the DHI or Sapphire FUE technique, so bleeding is the most in FUE among these three methods.
    • FUE is the most experienced technique in the hair transplant, so the probability of aesthetic or technical defects in workmanship is less than other methods.
    • When it comes to advanced techniques such as DHI and Sapphire FUE, experience and dexterity are of great importance.
    • Compared to DHI and other FUE applications, the healing period is longer in the FUE technique.

     DHI Hair Transplantation in HIV Positive Patients

    In the Direct Hair Implantation DHI technique, hair follicles are taken one by one from the donor area with a pen called Choi Pen and transplanted directly to the recipient area. The implanter pen opens a channel and places the root in the opened channel at the same time. The reason why it is called direct hair transplant is that the channel opening phase is done at the same time as the hair transplant.

    In hair transplant with DHI technique, more than one pencil is used with tips of different thicknesses. In this way, the scar becomes very small, the amount of bleeding decreases and extremely natural results occur.

    So, what are the advantages and disadvantages of DHI hair transplant technique for HIV-positive patients?

    • In HIV-positive hair transplant, the risk of infection is reduced thanks to the DHI technique.
    • Healing process is shortened.
    • DHI hair transplant is an expensive hair transplant technique compared to FUE and its derivatives.
    • Unshaven hair transplant is possible with DHI.
    • Choi Pen is a tool that requires serious experience. In the hands of inexperienced people, it carries risks such as poor results and prolonged operation time.

    Sapphire FUE Hair Transplant for HIV Positive Patients

    In Sapphire FUE, which is a version of the FUE technique, hair follicles are extracted from the donor area, channels are opened and the extracted hair follicles are transplanted into the opened channels. The difference from the classical FUE is that sapphire tip pens are used in the incisions phase.

    V-shaped incisions made by sharp blades made of sapphire are smaller than the classical FUE technique, and sharp sapphire blades cause less deformation on the scalp. It is possible to implant hair more densely in V-shaped channels and the angles of the hair with respect to each other draw a very natural line.

    Sapphire FUE requires intense experience just like DHI. At Estecapelli, you can find Sapphire FUE and HIV Positive hair transplant experiences together and benefit from all the advantages of this advanced technique.

    • The most important advantage of HIV positive hair transplant with Sapphire FUE is that the risk of infection is low and the healing period is short.
    • Since the bleeding will be less, Sapphire FUE provides an advantage for both the patient and the hair transplant team.
    • It is possible to achieve the most natural hair transplant results with Sapphire FUE.
    • Sapphire FUE is a more expensive hair transplant technique than classical FUE.

    Advantages & Disadvantages of Hair Transplant for HIV Positive Patients

    Hair transplant is a permanent solution developed against hair loss and is an extremely organic aesthetic restoration application obtained by transplanting one’s own hair.

    Everyone who gets their hair back with a well-done hair transplant is usually very satisfied with the result because if you don’t tell them, no one will understand that it’s a hair transplant and you will enjoy having your own hair permanently.

    Hair transplant for HIV-positive patients can provide many benefits:

    • They get away from the negative psychological effects of hair loss.
    • It is known that a more positive mood has positive effects on the immune system.
    • Hair loss can cause a person to limit himself socially, hair transplant for HIV-positive patients contributes to the elimination of this negative effect.
    • Having healthy hair naturally supports well-being, as it helps one feel better.

    There is no technical disadvantage of hair transplant, but an unsuccessful hair transplant can have annoying results. Hair transplant performed by experts and experienced people in the right technique, with good planning, in appropriate hygiene conditions, opens a brand new and very beautiful page in the life of HIV-positive patients suffering from hair loss.

    HIV Positive Patient Rights in Turkey

    The Association for Supporting Positive Life has been carrying out various studies for many years in order to support HIV-positive individuals in social, health and business life in Turkey and to create a positive awareness on this issue and monitors possible abuses.

    HIV positive is not an issue we are stranger to in Turkey and social sensitivity is based on not causing any discrimination in this regard.

    Health institutions in Istanbul are particularly sensitive to the rights of HIV-positive patients. Of course, there have been and may be cases of violation of rights, but the right of HIV-positive individuals to benefit equally from health services is legal in Turkey.

    HIV Positive Hair Transplant Prices in Turkey

    Turkey ranks first among the most preferred countries for hair transplant. One of the two important reasons for this is that compared to European countries, hair transplant prices in Turkey are at extremely low budgets.

    HIV positive hair transplant prices vary from person to person, depending on the technique to be used in hair transplant and the volume of the application. Please contact us for detailed price information.

    HIV Positive Hair Transplant in Istanbul

    The most successful clinics in hair transplant are those that perform hair transplant in Istanbul. We can say that Istanbul is the capital of hair transplant in Turkey, which has become the epicenter of health tourism.

    In addition, getting your hair back in one of the world’s leading metropolises with its touristic and historical background turns hair transplant in Istanbul into an unforgettable and precious memory.

    HIV Positive Hair Transplant Results

    After the hair transplant operation, the healing and shock loss periods are completed within an average of 3 months. Shock loss means the complete loss of the first and weak hairs that come out of the healing hair follicles.

    Your main permanent hair starts to grow after the shock loss. We can say that HIV-positive hair transplant results appear exactly 1 year after hair transplantation.

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    Mehmet Hanifi Kurtlar

    Mehmet Hanifi KUTLAR, the co-founder of Estecapelli and Bench Tourism, provides service exports in the context of health tourism in 47 different countries around the world. Since his student years when he was supported by the Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TÜBİTAK) for his projects, he has successfully integrated a continuous focus on research and development into his business life. His investments are supported by the Republic of Turkey Ministry of Trade and the Ministry of Health incentives.

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