lipo yag aldirma

Having perfect body lines is the common dream of everyone. Liposuction is one of the most popular applications of aesthetic body surgery. With liposuction it is possible to get rid of unwanted regional fat and have the physique you have just dreamed of.

Liposuction, which we can summarize as the removal of fat cells with aesthetic surgery, it is not fat removal, but fat cell removal. This means that the fat cells in the liposuction area are will be reduced numerically. That’s why liposuction is a permanent operation with results.

What is Liposuction?

The process of removing fat tissue from certain parts of the body for aesthetic improvement is called liposuction. Derived from the word “lipo”, which means fat in Latin, liposuction is an effective aesthetic surgery technique with a wide range of work areas, in which many different techniques are used today.

Although it is an aesthetic operation that shapes and slims the body, liposuction is not a weight loss method. It is used for the removal of locally established fats that cannot be given by diet and sports. Liposuction is an aesthetic surgery application that allows the body to be reshaped by cellular removal of resistant fat tissue that cannot be given by diet.

So, to which areas is liposuction can be applied: Belly, Waist and love handles, Hip area, Inner leg and back of the leg, Back, Arm, Chest, Jowl.

Procedure Details

Operation Time

1.5 – 2 hours

Hospital Stay

1 day

Hotel Stay

7 days

Healing Time

7 days

What are the Types of Liposuction?

Since the first day of application, it has been diversified with many techniques and approaches. In the classical liposuction application devices are not used, but today there are devices that use different types of energy such as radio waves, ultrasound, laser have been developed. In addition, it is possible to talk about different liposuction techniques that try to minimize conditions such as bleeding and bruising by using some chemical ingredients.

Vaser Liposuction:

  • Using sound waves with ultrasound energy, Vaser Liposuction liquefies fat cells. Liquid fat cells are taken from the body through cannulas placed in small incisions. Vaser liposuction is a particularly preferred method for non-intense regional fat deposition. It is worth mentioning that it has been used more recently.

Laser Liposuction:

  • It is one of the methods in which fat cells are liquefied. After the fat tissue is liquefied with high intensity laser application, it is removed with a cannula in the same way. After the adipose tissue is removed, the application area is tightened with laser application. Like Vaser, laser liposuction is considered among the most popular liposuction applications.

Tumescent Liposuction:

  • Tumescent liposuction is one of the basic techniques that continues to be used in liposuction surgeries, although it is mostly used together with other methods. In this technique, some chemicals are injected into the application area before liposuction and then the fats are removed by liposuction.

PAL Liposuction:

  • PAL Liposuction technique, known as power assisted liposuction, the vibration applied through the cannula placed under the skin breaks the fat tissues and turns them into an easier evacuation form. Pal liposuction is one of the most preferred techniques because it is the most comfortable liposuction method.

Classic Liposuction:

  • Liposuction is expressed as fat absorption operation. In the fat removal technique with the help of suction, fat tissue is absorbed through a small incision. No devices or chemicals are used.
Liposuction Nedir
lipo cesitleri


    Liposuction Surgery in Turkey

    Due to the popularity of health tourism in Turkey it has always used the latest techniques and the latest technological devices. In addition to the technical and technological as well as most innovative methods are used in liposuction also Turkish surgeons are highly experienced and skilled doctors.

    You can reach to view that you always dream about by having liposuction surgery in Turkey. You can contact us and get free consultations about your questions.

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    Who Can Have Liposuction surgery?

    Adult men and women of all ages who have completed their development can have liposuction. Anyone whose health condition is suitable for surgery and who is uncomfortable with their fats that they are sure not to give with diet and sports can benefit from liposuction surgeries. The final decision will be notified by the doctor before the operation after a detailed examination.

    During the examination, the areas where fat will be removed are drawn to obtain the closest result to the patient’s expectations. After the method to be used for the operation is determined, detailed information is provided on possible risks, how the postoperative process will go, the recovery period and many other issues.

    To summarize the pre-liposuction process:

    • Determination of the application area.
    • Determining the technique to be used.
    • Informing the patient about the type of anesthesia and the duration of the surgery.
    • Informing the patient about possible risks and postoperative periods.
    • Performing general health checks, making sure that there is no obstacle to the operation.
    • Getting information about the medications that the patient uses regularly or if the patient has any allergies.

    Before liposuction, you should stop using blood thinners such as aspirin.

    Liposuction operations can be performed under general or local anesthesia. Although it depends on the doctor’s decision, the patient’s preference is also decisive. The amount of fat to be removed determines the anesthesia and the duration of the operation. General anesthesia is preferred if the operation time will be prolonged depending on the condition of the procedure. The patient should be informed about all the details on this subject before the liposuction surgery.

    Regardless of the technique used, liposuction operations are in the group of low-risk aesthetic surgery operations that must be performed by the surgeon in a full-service hospital environment and operating room conditions.

    To make the liposuction surgery, you need to make plans to stay a week in Turkey. The first night after surgery is usually spent in the hospital. After being under surveillance for a few hours in very minor operations, the patient can leave the hospital.

    Depending on the application area and the amount of fat taken, swelling, bruising and redness may occur after liposuction. These are among the normal results of the process. There may be bleeding, infection may occur. Usually compensated situations.

    The patient can usually return to his daily life 5 days or 1 week after the operation. The patient should wait 3 weeks after the surgery to start exercising. It should be started with lighter exercises such as walking at the beginning.

    We can list the things to be considered after liposuction as follows:

    • Continue a healthy diet.
    • Drink plenty of fluids.
    • Eat a diet rich in vegetables and fruits.
    • Use medicines and medical products as directed by your doctor.
    Before Liposuction

    During the examination, the areas where fat will be removed are drawn to obtain the closest result to the patient’s expectations. After the method to be used for the operation is determined, detailed information is provided on possible risks, how the postoperative process will go, the recovery period and many other issues.

    To summarize the pre-liposuction process:

    • Determination of the application area.
    • Determining the technique to be used.
    • Informing the patient about the type of anesthesia and the duration of the surgery.
    • Informing the patient about possible risks and postoperative periods.
    • Performing general health checks, making sure that there is no obstacle to the operation.
    • Getting information about the medications that the patient uses regularly or if the patient has any allergies.

    Before liposuction, you should stop using blood thinners such as aspirin.

    Liposuction Operation

    Liposuction operations can be performed under general or local anesthesia. Although it depends on the doctor’s decision, the patient’s preference is also decisive. The amount of fat to be removed determines the anesthesia and the duration of the operation. General anesthesia is preferred if the operation time will be prolonged depending on the condition of the procedure. The patient should be informed about all the details on this subject before the liposuction surgery.

    Regardless of the technique used, liposuction operations are in the group of low-risk aesthetic surgery operations that must be performed by the surgeon in a full-service hospital environment and operating room conditions.

    After Liposuction

    To make the liposuction surgery, you need to make plans to stay a week in Turkey. The first night after surgery is usually spent in the hospital. After being under surveillance for a few hours in very minor operations, the patient can leave the hospital.

    Depending on the application area and the amount of fat taken, swelling, bruising and redness may occur after liposuction. These are among the normal results of the process. There may be bleeding, infection may occur. Usually compensated situations.

    The patient can usually return to his daily life 5 days or 1 week after the operation. The patient should wait 3 weeks after the surgery to start exercising. It should be started with lighter exercises such as walking at the beginning.

    We can list the things to be considered after liposuction as follows:

    • Continue a healthy diet.
    • Drink plenty of fluids.
    • Eat a diet rich in vegetables and fruits.
    • Use medicines and medical products as directed by your doctor.

    How Much Does Liposuction Cost in Istanbul, Turkey?

    Understanding the cost of liposuction involves considering various factors that contribute to the overall expense. Here’s a breakdown to help navigate these costs:

    Body Mass Index (BMI)

    1. Higher BMI: More fat removal is required, increasing costs.

    Treatment Areas

    1. Multiple Areas: Treating several areas adds to the expense.

    Medication and Time

    1. Medication Needs: The amount required affects cost.
    2. Procedure Duration: Longer surgeries incur higher fees.

    Location and Facility

    1. City Variations: Costs differ between cities.
    2. Clinic vs. Hospital: Choice of facility impacts price.

    Surgeon’s Expertise

    1. Experience Level: More experienced surgeons usually charge more.

    Technique and Anesthesia

    1. Operation Technique: Different methods have varying costs.
    2. Anesthesiologist Fee: Depends on anesthesia duration and complexity.

    Patient Health

    1. Overall Health: Healthier patients may have lower costs due to fewer complications and quicker recovery.

    Each of these elements plays a role in determining the final cost of liposuction. Prospective patients should consider these factors carefully and consult with medical professionals to better understand the financial implications of their liposuction procedure.

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