
In short, gynecomastia, which can be summarized as enlargement of the breast tissue for men as a women type of breast growth , which can disturb the person and negatively affect his social life when it reaches advanced levels.

Thanks to gynecomastia surgery, it is possible to easily get rid of this discomfort regardless of its degree and reason. Liposuction and its derivatives for minimal tissue growth; In the case of sagging skin accompanying tissue growth, surgical operation eliminates physical deformation caused by breast growth for men.

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jinekomasti sebepleri


    What is Gynecomastia?

    As in the female of the human species, the breast exists in the same way as an organ for male and they are similar organs structurally. Although the breast is smaller for men, there is a similar tissue consisting of milk glands just like in women.

    What makes the male breast inactive is testosterone, the male hormone. In this way, breasts do not grow during puberty for men. The hard tissue we call glandular enables the male breast to remain as a muscle group close to the breast area. The fat tissue in the male breast is much less than the female breast.

    However, when there are situations such as hormonal imbalance or excessive weight gain, breast enlargement may occur, which is the name of this uncontrolled growth in the medical literature.

    Procedure Details

    Operation Time

    1.5 to 2 hours

    Hospital Stay

    1 day

    Hotel Stay

    7 days

    Healing Time

    7 days

    jinekomasti sebepleri

    Causes of Gynecomastia

    Although gynecomastia may seem like the subject of plastic surgery,   it is a health problem and should be evaluated in a holistic approach. There may be many reasons for breast growth in men. Before the operation, the reasons behind gynecomastia should be investigated, and if it is decided that it is necessary, the condition that causes breast enlargement should be treated first.

    We can list the common conditions that cause gynecomastia as follows:

    • For men, breast tissue enlargement due to the increase of estrogen the female hormone.
    • Excessive growth of fat cells in the breast tissue due to weight gain.
    • Structural growth and sagging due to weight gain and loss.
    • Growth in breast tissue as a side effect of some drugs used for hormonal disorders.
    • Deterioration and sagging of the breast tissue due to aging.
    • Breast enlargement caused by some synthetic muscle enlargers used among athletes.
    • Gynecomastia development due to low testosterone levels.
    • Breast enlargement due to a history of weight gain combined with a low testosterone level.

    Gynecomastia Symptoms

    Gynecomastia usually occurs and is neglected during adolescence and is mostly caused by the genetic hormonal structure. However, it is noticed when it starts to disturb the person in business and social life.

    Breast tissue is large for a man and there has to be a certain breast volume. In advanced cases of gynecomastia, it is possible to talk about male breasts that look like female breasts.

    Gynecomastia, which occurs in adolescence or advanced ages, may show symptoms in the early periods ;

    • Breast hardness
    • Swelling from the breast tissue
    • Sensitiveness on the breast or nipple
    • The difference in size between breasts
    • Swelling from the nipple or feeling pain.

    Even if the breast tissue has not grown or doesn’t disturb enough, it is useful to consult a doctor if one or more of these symptoms are present.

    Gynecomastia surgery is an aesthetic operation where incisions are made and tissue is removed under general anesthesia. Liposuction treatment may also be considered within the first periods of gynecomastia cases where the skin has not sagged too much.

    The operations content changes depending on the gynecomastia level. The majority of the people who apply for the surgery complain about the abnormal growth of the breast.  In these cases, breast tissue, excess fat, and sagging skin are removed by the surgeon.

    The operation can take up to 1.5-2 hours. If the breast tissue will be removed and taken under the skin, if the breast will be opened with an inverted T incision, this means that a scar will remain, even if it is invisible. If the fat tissue will be removed only with liposuction, the fat tissue is removed via micro incisions and pipes, there will be no scar after the operation.

    In the examination performed before the operation, the reasons of the gynecomastia are investigated. If hormone therapy or other treatments are in question, this process should be completed first. It is caused by conditions such as weight gaining and aging. If no treatment is required, surgery can be planned depending on the level of gynecomastia.

    Let’s list the stages of the pre-gynecomastia process;

    • Detailed examination and consultation.
    • Examination of the necessary tests. Understanding whether the patient is suitable for gynecomastia.
    • Conducting and examining the tests and examinations that must be done under the surgery preparation procedure.
    • Determining the type of operation.
    • Informing the patient about the gynecomastia surgery to be performed.
    • Informing the patient about the postoperative and recovery period.

    After gynecomastia surgery, you should spend the night in the hospital. It is usually a mildly painful process. After the first day, the patient is mostly relieved. But the first week is a period of sensitivity. Possible symptoms such as swelling, bruising, and itching may occur. Edema may also occur in the breast after the operation.

    What should be considered after gynecomastia surgery?

    • Please follow your doctor’s advice strictly.
    • Use the medication or medical products prescribed to you as directed.
    • Do not take a shower or make contact with water and heat before your doctor permits.
    • After the operation, do not remove the corset until your doctor permits.
    • Do not stretch your arms or lift anything for the first week.
    • Avoid activities such as driving for a month.
    • Avoid sleeping on your back for 1 month.
    How is Gynecomastia Surgery Performed?

    Gynecomastia surgery is an aesthetic operation where incisions are made and tissue is removed under general anesthesia. Liposuction treatment may also be considered within the first periods of gynecomastia cases where the skin has not sagged too much.

    The operations content changes depending on the gynecomastia level. The majority of the people who apply for the surgery complain about the abnormal growth of the breast.  In these cases, breast tissue, excess fat, and sagging skin are removed by the surgeon.

    The operation can take up to 1.5-2 hours. If the breast tissue will be removed and taken under the skin, if the breast will be opened with an inverted T incision, this means that a scar will remain, even if it is invisible. If the fat tissue will be removed only with liposuction, the fat tissue is removed via micro incisions and pipes, there will be no scar after the operation.

    Before Gynecomastia Surgery

    In the examination performed before the operation, the reasons of the gynecomastia are investigated. If hormone therapy or other treatments are in question, this process should be completed first. It is caused by conditions such as weight gaining and aging. If no treatment is required, surgery can be planned depending on the level of gynecomastia.

    Let’s list the stages of the pre-gynecomastia process;

    • Detailed examination and consultation.
    • Examination of the necessary tests. Understanding whether the patient is suitable for gynecomastia.
    • Conducting and examining the tests and examinations that must be done under the surgery preparation procedure.
    • Determining the type of operation.
    • Informing the patient about the gynecomastia surgery to be performed.
    • Informing the patient about the postoperative and recovery period.
    After Gynecomastia Surgery

    After gynecomastia surgery, you should spend the night in the hospital. It is usually a mildly painful process. After the first day, the patient is mostly relieved. But the first week is a period of sensitivity. Possible symptoms such as swelling, bruising, and itching may occur. Edema may also occur in the breast after the operation.

    What should be considered after gynecomastia surgery?

    • Please follow your doctor’s advice strictly.
    • Use the medication or medical products prescribed to you as directed.
    • Do not take a shower or make contact with water and heat before your doctor permits.
    • After the operation, do not remove the corset until your doctor permits.
    • Do not stretch your arms or lift anything for the first week.
    • Avoid activities such as driving for a month.
    • Avoid sleeping on your back for 1 month.

    Gynecomastia surgery in Turkey

    We can say that gynecomastia was a condition that was ignored until a few years ago and the distress it caused was ignored. Men who limit their social life because of their breasts do not have to try to hide their breasts in gyms, beaches, business meetings thanks to gynecomastia operations. Gynecomastia surgeries and their reasonable prices in Turkey are great advantages regarding successful results.

    How Much Does Gynecomastia Cost in Istanbul, Turkey?

    Gynecomastia, a condition marked by enlarged breast tissue in men, requires specialized treatment. The cost of this treatment varies widely, influenced by a myriad of factors. Here’s a breakdown:

    Geographic Location

    1. The treatment cost varies by location.
    2. Urban areas often have higher pricing compared to rural locations.

    Size of Excess Fat Deposits

    1. Larger breasts result in more complex and expensive procedures.
    2. The extent of fat removal directly impacts the price.

    Surgeon’s Reputation and Expertise

    1. Renowned or celebrity plastic surgeons typically charge higher fees.
    2. This is reflective of their expertise and demand in the market.

    Procedure Complexity

    1. More complex procedures necessitate higher costs.
    2. This includes tissue removal and any additional surgeries needed.

    Pre- and Post-Operative Expenses

    1. Costs are raised by pre-operative tests and post-operative garments.
    2. Medications required also contribute to the overall expense.


    1. The type and complexity of anesthesia used can alter costs.
    2. This is a crucial part of the surgery, impacting both safety and pricing.

    Surgical Facility Fees

    1. Includes the operating room and recovery area costs.
    2. These are essential components of the surgical process.

    In conclusion, the cost of treating gynecomastia is subject to various factors. Prospective patients must consider geographic location, the scope of the procedure, the surgeon’s credentials, and all associated medical expenses. Understanding these elements helps in making informed decisions about undergoing this transformative treatment.

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